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New Levels, New Devils

Hello everyone! I am so excited to relaunch this website because it needs a new start and right now I am in a completely new season that I was in before and have gained so much insight that I am so excited to share. Long story short, I started this blog a year ago and I just stopped blogging for a while even though I still had so much to write, but that was because I had a lot that happened last year and became very oppressed which was demonic, and it had to do with being isolated which is a whole other topic I can write about. But God has set me free and has surrounded me with people that have helped me a lot. Thank the Lord that I am freed and delivered because He wants to use me and is going to help me through this journey to set others free as well. I will be posting more frequently; God has a lot to say, and I am just blessed that He can use me as a vessel.

I titled this “New levels, New devils”, which I never liked the saying, still don’t, but it's Click bait-ey, and it goes with what I am going to try to explain. As you get closer to God you will begin to “level up” in your faith. I said that to someone one time and they got offended. Yes, complacent Christians will get offended, but you’re not one of them or not for long. You will have more understanding of who you are and Whose you are. There are levels to the understanding you get and the anointing and authority you carry. With more anointing and more authority comes more spiritual warfare. If you are not familiar with that terminology, it is simply the devil trying to make your life harder. I want to give you tools to understand what this walk requires and what the bible says about living as Christs’ disciples.

First, I want to explain that there is nothing better than being a disciple of Christ and there is nothing better than being all in with Christ, sold out and on fire for Jesus.

John 8:31-32 “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

There are several people in the bible who gave their all to Jesus and they regretted nothing. Paul was one of those people, he knew what it meant to really follow God and I love what he says in 1 Corinthians 9:24-25:

“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever”

There is a work ethic and a diligence that we must put on as believers who run after God. Do you ever remember doing something that seems so hard and impossible, and looking back at it and being so proud of yourself because you persevered, and you finished it? That is exactly how we need to be in our faith because there is truly a greater reward than that when you choose to follow Christ with all your heart. Troubling times are coming, and you need to prepare and be grounded and know what the enemy is trying to do in the spiritual realm.

“A strong spirit will help with the impact of pressure. Pressure on your faith will put the work of patience to work for you.”

So, how do we get a strong spirit?

Getting a strong spirit means doing some work to build up your spirit. You won’t get a strong spirit by watching tik tok all day. (yeah I said it) Your spirit has to be fed, and what is the food it requires….? The Word of God.

Joshua 1:8 says “meditate on my word day and night so you will be sure to obey everything in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.”

It is something that is so simple yet difficult at the same time because if you are not yielding to the spirit you are yielding to the flesh, and it can be really hard to get out of your flesh. What I have learned to do in my life is to be reliant on the spirit of God. I like to think of myself like a inefficient, no good, bag of dirt. I feel like I am so unable and weak, but because I think of myself that way, I rely on God even more and He helps me. I literally cannot function without God being in my life because I have positioned myself to be reliant on Him. Everything in my life would fall apart without God because I am where I am because of relying on Him. I need God every. Single. Day....because I know I am nothing without Him and that is what humbling yourself before God looks like. Knowing how insufficient you are without Him because once you think you’re good and you don’t really need God or you don’t really need to include Him, then that’s pride.

“….God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble” James 4:6

As you go higher you are going to need more grace. In other words, if humility is the prerequisite to more grace, then you will need to humble yourself even more to be able to withstand the pressure of being exalted.

“For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted” Matthew 32:12

Jesus was the prime example of this. He was high above every demon in hell, He had all the authority of the world, yet he came to serve and not to be served. He understood that his assignment was not to show off His title but humble himself to the point of dying on the cross.

“…but (He) emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross. Therefore, God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name above all names” Philippians 2:8

God wants us to have that same type of life, fully surrendered and with humility, only then could you defeat the attacks of the enemy because the enemy is always going to want you to exalt yourself. He knows that if you exalt yourself, you place yourself in the position of being your own God, in that case you are no longer serving God, but yourself. The enemy’s tactic is always to get you to be prideful because if you are prideful, then you are functioning in the nature of Satan because that’s what got him out of heaven. Now tying this back to the topic, when we go through difficult situations we need to be ready to overcome that with the power of God. We can do this Praying daily, reading the Word and fasting. These things will all help, and even if you still struggle, or you situation still sucks, there is breakthrough on the other side of the fight. A lot of times the devil tries to come at you the most when you are about to receive a breakthrough. He knows he can’t stop it, so he’ll try to give you a hard time to make you start to doubt. But, stand firm in the Lord and don’t lose hope because the more you start to know about God the bigger He starts to appear compared to what you see in front of you. If the devil could have your mind, he could have everything else, so don’t let him take control. Know that God is on your side and if he is for you WHO can be against you!

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1 comentario

Patrianna Scales
Patrianna Scales
09 may 2022

“There is a work ethic and a diligence that we must put on as believers who run after God.”

I felt this one right here. all my life, I thought being a believer meant going to church when you felt like it and occasionally reading the Bible (if you believed in it). But after really surrendering and seeking Jesus earnestly, I realized that mindset is a lie from the pits of hell. You have to want Jesus AND submit to being changed by Him.

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Image by Aaron Burden

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